c o m m i t m e n t D E D I C A T I O N

Royale Oceanic


Run by our team of captains and experienced professionals, the division offers owners everything they need to manage large yachts – from safety classification to operational advice.


Royale Oceanic manages yachts registered within the UK, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, Bermuda and Marshall Islands.

All ‘Documents of Compliance’ are held in the Royale Oceanic Newcastle Office which has developed into the hub for the yacht management division.


Newcastle-Upon-Tyne is steeped in nautical history and the Royale Oceanic office is based on the quayside where in days past hundreds of ships were built and thousands of skilled locals employed. Whilst the shipyards have now all but disappeared, the infrastructure and labour has remained in the North East of England, and Royale Oceanic Yacht Management are surrounded by well-established blue chip companies within the commercial shipping sectors as well as some surprising names in the yachting world.

Commercial shipping offices

Within 5 minutes of the Royale Oceanic office there are large commercial shipping offices for the likes of AP Moller Maersk, Technip, Bernard Schulte, Svitzer, OSG Ship Management, GL Nobel Denton, ASP Ship Management… the list goes on! With the presence of so many shipping companies, there has been the natural migration of shipping law firms, classification societies, insurance underwriters and P&I Clubs being based within the city limits, all of which Royale Oceanic have close connections to.

Navy Training College

The MCA’s Large Yacht Division – ‘Ensign’ – is based in the Port of Tyne and minutes away from the Merchant Navy Training College ‘South Shields Marine School’ where thousands of seafarers attend short courses, conduct apprenticeship training and use their state of the art simulators and facilities to further their maritime education.


With a well-served international airport and Port of Tyne being one of the UK’s major deep sea ports, the Newcastle area has excellent access to the global maritime community which is why this Royale Oceanic office has been developed into the home of the Yacht Management Division.


Our cost-effective and efficient approach to safety management systems helps make yacht ownership as simple and enjoyable as possible.

Using our ON-BOARD electronic management system, owners, captains and crew can access synchronised information from anywhere in the world.

Commercial Yachts over 500gt must comply with the International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code. The Large Yacht Code requires vessels under 500gt to follow the principles of the ISM Code for their safety management system (SMS).

With an in-depth knowledge of the ISM and ISPS Codes, Royale Oceanic holds a document of compliance for Bermuda, Cayman Island and Isle of Man flag administrations. For yachts under 500gt, we’ve created a mini-ISM to deliver user-friendly safety and security systems.

A single call to a dedicated number alerts our team, who then coordinate the response with the flag state, classification societies, insurance companies and other organisations.


  • Maintaining yacht SMS documents
  • Developing owner-specific SMS procedures – LY3, Annex 2
  • Receiving, processing and responding to accident and incident reports and monitoring the effectiveness of corrective action
  • Monitoring planned and breakdown maintenance of safety equipment and critical systems
  • Supporting statutory SMS reviews by the captain and the manager
  • Maintaining compliance with ISM and ISPS codes
  • Maintaining compliance with Maritime Labour Convention ( MLC 2006 )
  • Developing SMS forms, operations manuals, SOLAS training manuals, SOPEP manuals and SSP manuals
  • Providing the flag administration and classification society with safety audits and surveys
  • Helping the owner and captain to assess crew training needs and develop operating policies and organisational structures
  • Investigating accidents and hazardous occurrences
  • Providing security support services required by the ISPS Code, including providing a company security officer (CSO)

As part of this service we:

  • Provide a 24/7 point of emergency contact
  • function as the designated person ashore (DPA)
  • offer 24/7 medical support through a specialist provider
  • provide a single point of contact for the media in case of emergency

We are fortunate to work with some of the worlds finest yachts and we do our upmost to support them with their challenging schedules.

DEE TURNER – Charter Management


Our technical team of captains, chief engineers, fleet superintendents, naval architects and project managers work closely with the yacht's crew to enhance reliability and efficiency.

We advise and support the captain, engineering, deck and interior teams. Our technical expertise and experience of new construction means we can help resolve problems and analyse fault reports.

Royale Oceanic have user rights for all electronic planned maintenance software systems, including IDEA, Techman and Triton, where our technical team can remotely view the yachts maintenance systems.

  • Providing regular yacht condition reports
  • Setting up and monitoring the yacht’s reporting system
  • Preparing and monitoring technical budgets
  • Writing routine repair specifications
  • Getting quotations for spares and repairs
  • Developing planned maintenance systems, including continuous survey of hull (CSH) and continuous survey of machinery (CSM)
  • Carrying out regular technical inspections of the yacht and reporting findings
  • Monitoring planned maintenance of the yacht and its technical equipment and systems
  • Working with suppliers as required
  • Helping with guarantee claims and managing the defect list during the guarantee period of a new yacht
  • Advising on information technology (IT) and audio visual (AV) systems

Through our long experience in the industry, we’ve established a comprehensive list of contacts in all sectors. Our clients benefit from the range of technical management services we can offer them.

Operational Support

We believe the day-to-day operation of a yacht should always remain in the control of the captain.

Our operational support services leaves them free to keep the vessel running smoothly, safe in the knowledge that they have a team ashore ready to provide support as and when required.

  • Keeping the yacht up-to-speed with changes in legislation and codes of practice
  • Tracking the yacht’s position and receiving daily position reports
  • Renewing the yacht’s trading certificates
  • Receiving and processing crew and guest lists and the yacht’s official mail
  • Supplying bunker fuel, lubricating oil and technical spares
  • Appointing port agents
  • Helping with victualling and hotel services
  • Preparing and monitoring budgets, cost control, and financial reporting
  • Finance
  • Commercial management
  • Arranging insurance for hull and machinery, protection and indemnity and crew medical insurance
  • Casualty investigations, insurance claims and dealing with disputes


Superyachts need skilled and effective crews

From recruiting senior officers to administering the crew payroll, Royale Oceanic provides a full range of crew management services.

  • Recruiting crew members to suit the yacht’s requirements
  • Helping new crew members apply for their notices of eligibility, certificates of competency, yacht rating certificates and seafarer discharge books
  • Monitoring the performance of the captain and senior crew members
  • Monitoring the status of crew member certificates to STCW 95
  • Ensuring minimum manning requirements
  • Repatriating crew
  • Managing the crew payroll
  • Confidential vetting

Financial Control

Managing the financial aspects of a superyacht for its owner requires a deep level of trust and transparency

Royale Oceanic are trusted by families and corporate bodies to provide financial budgets, oversight and control. Our service includes basic cash handling, monthly budgets, accounts, payroll and settling invoices. The financial models we create provide our clients with accurate budgets for their annual operational, maintenance and refit expenditure.


Refitting a superyacht is a major undertaking. In consultation with the owner and captain, we identify the scope of the work required and prepare a specification.

By inviting a selection of yards to tender for the work, we can negotiate the best price on behalf of the owner. One of our experienced project managers then ensures the work is completed to schedule and meets the high standards required.

  • Managing refit and conversion projects
  • Preparing refit specifications
  • Preparing refit yard tender documentation
  • Conducting negotiations with refit yards
  • Helping select a refit yard
  • Attending dry dockings and supervising refitting
  • Negotiating the final fee with the refit yard

Luxe, Calme et Volupté

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